Three Latin American Photographers and the Image of the Father. The Affective Resignification of the Family Album


  • Blanca Magdalena Ruiz Pérez Facultad de Artes. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos



Photography, Latin American, Chen, Barreto, Sancari


The present essay analyzes the representation of the father in the editorial productionof three Latin American photographers, the Mexican Gilberto Chen, the Brazilian GilvánBarreto and the Argentine Mariela Sancari. Based on the idea that the paternal imageis constructed from the photographer’s own affections, the analysis of the imagesis articulated with the study of the affection proposed by Baruch Spinoza and RolandBarthes.


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Author Biography

Blanca Magdalena Ruiz Pérez, Facultad de Artes. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos


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How to Cite

Ruiz Pérez, B. M. (2018). Three Latin American Photographers and the Image of the Father. The Affective Resignification of the Family Album. Arte E Investigación, (14), e010.