The Daily Life of Contemporaneity in the Art of Mendoza. From no to Conventional


  • María del Rosario Zavala Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Art world of Mendoza, contemporary art, art analysis, conventions


The development of contemporary art leads us to inquire into the interpretations of the objects and artistic practices of the local world art. The NoCon Biennial (1985-2001) is a pioneering initiative aiming to create a platform for the local contemporary art. The interest of this publication is to recognize those new ways of making art, the experimental artistic expressions, to describe the networks between museum, artist and the environment. It is on the premise «art is a document and, at the same time, a possibility of sharing meaningful interpretations» that we propose a contextual art analysis.


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How to Cite

Zavala, M. del R. (2017). The Daily Life of Contemporaneity in the Art of Mendoza. From no to Conventional. Arte E Investigación, (13), 260–271. Retrieved from