Micropoéticas escénicas infantiles platenses. Creencias y definiciones sobre las propuestas contemporáneas


  • Germán Casella Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Micropoeticsm event, subjectivities, experience, adult


In this article, current children stage micropoetics will be analyzed and related to the National Education Law 26.206. This way, three of its constructive aspects will be considered: the concept of the stage event, the role of the producer adult and the idea of a theatre for children that works as a tool to build significant knowledge. With this, it will be possible to reveal some tensions that exist in the circulation of micropoetics orientated towards the new figure of child/spectator/student.


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How to Cite

Casella, G. (2015). Micropoéticas escénicas infantiles platenses. Creencias y definiciones sobre las propuestas contemporáneas. Arte E Investigación, (11), 35–40. Retrieved from https://papelcosido.fba.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/aei/article/view/25