Music Production for Children in Uruguay

A Model for the Development of the Field


  • Juan Asuaga Universidad de la República



sociology of music, children’s music, Canciones para no dormir la siesta, Uruguay


This article shows the essential aspects of an investigation focused on the study of case of the children’s musical group Canciones para no dormir la siesta (1975-1990), as much as its artistic development proves paradigmatic in the process of constitution of the space of game structured around the production of children’s songs in Uruguay: 1) analyze its musical production so as to identify there elements which may have been integrated to the structure of objective relationships such as rules of succession which order the local development of the field of children’s songs of author (Bourdieu, 1988); 2) model the process of constitution of the referred game space.


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How to Cite

Asuaga, J. (2025). Music Production for Children in Uruguay: A Model for the Development of the Field. Arte E Investigación, (26), e116.