Zombie Postmodernism


  • Lucía G. Suárez Stanganelli Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Cinema, zombies, modernity/postmodernity, Latin America


Based on the analysis of three audiovisual cases that integrate the zombie imaginary, this article offers reflections on the Modernity/Postmodernity debate. It is proposed to think about this transition from a perspective that emphasizes the geopolitical issue from the center-periphery tension that is manifested in these cultural expressions. The selected cases correspond to the films White Zombie (Victor Halperin, United States, 1932), Night of the Living Dead (George A. Romero, United States, 1968) and Juan de los Muertos (Alejandro Brugués, Cuba, 2010).


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How to Cite

Suárez Stanganelli, L. G. . (2023). Zombie Postmodernism. Arte E Investigación, (23), e099. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e099