Ismael Ivo and The Codification of Human Experience


  • Grit Kirstin Koeltzsch Universidad Nacional de Jujuy



Ismael Ivo, Body, Dance, Humanism


The Afro-Brazilian dancer and choreographer Ismael Ivo (1955-2021) was one of the most outstanding figures in experimental dance of the last forty years. In this paper, I analyze Ivo’s work in relation to his contributions to the cultural studies of the body that can be derived from his artistic production. The sources on which the work is based are original and come from two important archives in Germany. The general theoretical framework is phenomenology, as it frames the bodily thinking of the artist who uses the stage to create moments of existential depth in which transculturality will be a crucial aspect. As conclusion, I propose to consider the concept of codification of human experience as a useful category for social studies of dance.


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How to Cite

Koeltzsch, G. K. . (2023). Ismael Ivo and The Codification of Human Experience. Arte E Investigación, (23), e097.