Artistic Creation Research

ways to Progress in The Creative Act Knowledge


  • Carlos Navarro Moral Universidad de Granada



Artistic creation research, phenomenology, heuristics, methodological design, validity criteria


Artistic creation research is a poorly identified type of research. On many occasions it is assimilated simply with the fact of making art itself, on other occasions it is integrated within the arts-based research approach. The article starts from this problem and delves into the meaning of artistic creation research, showing that the phenomenological and heuristic approaches are the most appropriate approaches to support artistic creation research. The article concludes by showing that research in artistic creation presents some methodological basics and validity criteria that make it different from the rest of the research in which a synergy between art and research is produced, being the most appropriate way of introspective inquiry to advance in the creative act knowledge.


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How to Cite

Navarro Moral, C. . (2023). Artistic Creation Research : ways to Progress in The Creative Act Knowledge. Arte E Investigación, (23), e095.