Artistic Activism in The Crisis of 2001

The Urbomaquia Case in Cordoba City


  • Baal Ulises Delupi Universidad Nacional de Córdoba



Urbomaquia, artistic activism, Córdoba, crisis 2001, semiotics


The objective of this work is to analyze the artistic activism productions of the Urbomaquia collective, in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in the year 2001, a moment of popular insurrection and political tensions due to the greatest social and economic crisis in the history of that country. From a socio-semiotic perspective, we propose to investigate these actions as discourses as social and historical facts inscribed in a broader cultural fabric, where art strategies and resources are staged that make it possible to question certain imaginaries linked to the social drama of the time. We will focus on two of his best known performances called La mesa (2001) and Los Niños (2002), for this we will analyze photographs, videos and testimonies of the artists.


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How to Cite

Delupi, B. U. (2022). Artistic Activism in The Crisis of 2001: The Urbomaquia Case in Cordoba City. Arte E Investigación, (22), e090.