Sewing of Texts in Rhapsody Unfinished

Relations Between the Visual, the Linguistic and The Sound


  • Anabela Bres Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires



Nicola Costantino, Contemporary art, Rhapsody, intertextuality, sound mark


The works that the artist Nicola Costantino has been carrying out for more than a decade are characterized by profusely investigating the practice of appropriation and intertextuality, not only from the recovery of the formal structure of the work she quotes and the use of the homologous title, but in other more underhanded forms of transtextuality, which enhance poetic and political meanings. This written explores the way in which the work Rapsodia inconclusa (2013) ties together three types of texts - visual, written and sound, as borders of the same universe - and is configured as a piece of counterpoint between these various registers textual.


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How to Cite

Bres, A. . (2022). Sewing of Texts in Rhapsody Unfinished: Relations Between the Visual, the Linguistic and The Sound. Arte E Investigación, (22), e088.