Queer Ghosts

The Apparent History of Things


  • Lázaro Olier Instituto de Investigación en Producción y Enseñanza del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano, Facultad de Artes, UNLP




Queer, Nothing, Ghosts, Historiography


Adventure Time, Twin Pekas: The Return and a neutrino detector, the Super-Kamiokande, work as a starting point for the poetic hypothesis that moves this text: Where there is nothing, there are ghosts. Its arguments become more tangible by suspecting that there is no nothing by itself, and by paying attention and unravelling those conditions, mechanisms, strategies and systems that generate an effect of nothing. Lastly, it activates an historiographic excercise that looks into canonical history narratives and documents, to allow the invocation of queer ghosts.


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How to Cite

Olier, L. . (2022). Queer Ghosts: The Apparent History of Things. Arte E Investigación, (21), e083. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e083