Three Notes on Memory, Filiation and Art
Criticism and Documentary as A Record
Memory, filiation, art critic, documentary filmAbstract
The three notes, referring to aspects of memory and affiliation, in situations positioned in the field of art, are the fundamental support of this article. The writing of the same, tries above all to present questions on the subject that later could be treated in expanded versions. Hence, the viable records of the proposal are only: a criticism of Lucas Fragasso on a retrospective of Di Tella; a documentary by Federico Actis about a clandestine detention center that operated in Rosario and a presentation by Justo Pastor Mellado that seeks clarify certain periodizations of art in Chile are to be taken as viable records of the proposal. The analysis concludes with this finding: memory as an exercise and also as a registry; filiation and the construction of identity at a nodal intersection with art. Finally, a brief consideration on memory and forgetting.Downloads
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