Revisiting the Mona Lisa of The Louvre, the Prado and Isleworth
Leonardo, in The Company of Others
Leonardo da Vinci, Gioconda, Mona Lisa, Prado Museum, Louvre MuseumAbstract
There are currently three high-quality versions of the Mona Lisa, in Louvre Museum, Prado and the Isleworth collection. After the 2010 restoration carried out in the Prado Museum, its authorship has been much discussed. In this work, we analyze the style of the main candidates proposed by historiography, focusing on Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina and Salai. We reviewed the mode of collaboration in Leonardo’s workshop, relying on The Madonna of the Yarnwinder. Our conclusions point to Fernando Yáñez as the author of the Mona Lisa of Isleworth, due to its concordance with known works by this painter; and made in collaboration with Leonardo, for the quality of its design, hands and face. The Prado´s Gioconda would be the work of Salai, although its high quality suggests an important participation of Leonardo in its design and execution. A computerized analysis of the colors present in the two versions of the Mona Lisa and their comparison with works by Yáñez and Salai could confirm these hypotheses in the future.Downloads
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