Dance As a Deceleration Device
Ci Opposed to Contemporary Techno-Communicative Dynamics
Contact Improvisation, dance, deceleration, technocommunicationAbstract
This article deals with Contact Improvisation (CI) dance as an aesthetic-corporeal device in tension with contemporary techno-communicative dynamics. Specifically, the text reflects on how this practice can be considered as a deceleration device (Sztulwark, 2014; Berardi, 2014), opposed to temporalities typical of contemporary semiocapitalism; and on how it enables one to escape from dominant ocularcentrism, allowing «to reintegrate the gaze to the body» (Rivera Cusicanqui, 2015, p. 14) and increase its responsiveness in relationships with others. The writing presents research results of my doctoral thesis, based on a study located in Buenos Aires, and concludes by outlining questions about the actuality of this practice in the present context of isolation.Downloads
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