Biointeractive and Experimental Performance in Networks

The Complex Dialectic of Aesthetic Decolonization


  • Alejandra Ceriani Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Relational production, local trajectories, decolonial practices, art, body and technology


In this article, we propose to reflect on the urgency of decolonizing artistic practices on the Internet, especially in the latter time when the coronavirus disease pandemic (COVID-19) highlights inequity in the distribution of resources. It is inescapable to build other forms of interaction and dialogue, which requires the configuration of new relational experiences for practices shared between art, science and technology. We characterize decolonial making as one that develops —in a dynamic field of disciplinary tensions— through actions in relational production and in the path located, which determine a disposition that allows, in principle, emancipation from both the totalizing habits of the disciplinary and the symbolic and media alienation of the new online scenarios.


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How to Cite

Ceriani, A. (2021). Biointeractive and Experimental Performance in Networks: The Complex Dialectic of Aesthetic Decolonization. Arte E Investigación, (Especial), e070.