Icons and Memes


  • Luis Camnitzer




Icons, memes, networks, pedagogy, decoloniality


How much art does it take to transform an object into an icon? And how much of that art remains in the piece once it reaches that category? If we move away from the discussion about art as production and point it towards knowledge, the iconic identity of the work is challenged by the appearance of profound pedagogical implications.For this reason, with respect to the icon that only represents and reaffirms the values established and many times interested, this text investigates the still unexplored potential of the meme as a power source capable of inaugurating new forms of knowledge and facilitating access to them integrating a decolonization strategy in the process.


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How to Cite

Camnitzer, L. (2021). Icons and Memes. Arte E Investigación, (Especial), e069. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e069