Pippa Bacca Through Her Performance Sposa in Viaggio

Analysis of Her Work and Study of the Concept Verità


  • Marc Montijano Cañellas Universidad de Málaga




Pippa Bacca, performance art, action art, ; Brides on Tour, Feminist Art, Brides on Tour


Study that seeks to contextualize and value the work of the Italian artist Pippa Bacca, who died in Turkey in 2008 during the development of the performance Sposa in Viaggio - Brides on Tour. Using the concept of truth in performance as the main thread of the discourse, we analyze the project, together with the work of famous artists of action art such as Marina Abramović, Ana Mendieta, VALIE EXPORT, Chris Burden or Beth Moysés. The Sposa in Viaggio project by Pippa Bacca is an extreme and very dramatic case in the performance history of the early 21st century.


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How to Cite

Montijano Cañellas, M. (2021). Pippa Bacca Through Her Performance Sposa in Viaggio: Analysis of Her Work and Study of the Concept Verità. Arte E Investigación, (19), e062. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e062