Critical Dialogues with Complex Systems


  • Lara Sánchez Coterón Grupo Investigación Prácticas artísticas y formas de conocimiento contemporáneas. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Complutense de Madrid



Artificial systems, new media art, interaction design, critical practices


Art and design in the digital age are closely linked to systemic models and structures both formally and discursively. The research takes this type of hybridization between art and science (systems studies) as a starting point to investigate about the activation, reconfiguration or creation of complex systems as an artistic resource. This article analyses the possibilities of creating disobedient discourse by overlapping and problematizing the political ontologies of normative systems at this confluence. The research builds on the Leverage Points approach by American environmental scientist D. H. Meadows to dissect the various ways of producing significant experience and disruptive semantics used by contemporary artists and designers.


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How to Cite

Sánchez Coterón, L. (2020). Critical Dialogues with Complex Systems. Arte E Investigación, (18), e060.