Discussing History

Cultural Perspectives for Rethinking Images


  • María Elena Lucero Universidad Nacional de Rosario




Anachronism, art, culture, curatorship, history, visuality


This article poses a debate on traditional ways adopted by Art History for arranging and reading images. We will analyze two curatorial approaches that problematized the relation between history and visual production. The first approach refers to the exhibition «El tiempo del arte. Obras siglos XVI al XXI» (Art time. Works from the 16th century to the 21st century) at Fundación PROA (2009), organized around themes that permeated artistic movements. Secondly, we will examine Verboamérica (2016), opened at the Museo de Arte Latinoamericano (Museum of Latin American Art) in Buenos Aires. In this case, eight themes were established, from which artists of the museum’s permanent collection were grouped together. This research describes how the above visual itineraries undermined the chronological limits of Western tradition.


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How to Cite

Lucero, M. E. (2020). Discussing History: Cultural Perspectives for Rethinking Images. Arte E Investigación, (18), e058. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e058