Utopia and Revolution

The Avant-Garde Dreams of a Radical Aesthetic


  • Carlos García Sánchez Universidad de Granada




Utopia, revolution, avant-garde, political art


This article analyses some theoretical and ideological aspects, which determined that the artistic avant-gardes were involved in the construction and development of what Jean Francoise Dupuis (2004) has called «radical aesthetics», with the aim of showing that concepts such as utopia and revolution remain fundamental in order to understand the way in which the avant-gardes at the beginning of the century understood both their artistic work and their social and political function. To do this, we reflect on the concept of utopia and the problems that this notion contains. It is considered that this utopian model was linked to the classical idea of revolution, which was inserted in the imaginary of the artistic avant-gardes. Finally, different approaches to realism are analyzed in order to sketch a reinterpretation of the concept of utopia.


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How to Cite

García Sánchez, C. (2020). Utopia and Revolution: The Avant-Garde Dreams of a Radical Aesthetic. Arte E Investigación, (18), e054. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e054