How to Remove a Moisture Stain

Reflections Around the Transdisciplinarity


  • Ariel Nazareno Stivala Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Complexity, transdiscipline, artistic practice, contemporaneity, knowledge


This article investigates the links between art and transdiscipline within the framework of the complexity paradigm proposed by Edgar Morin as an alternative to modern thought, insufficient to build knowledge in the contemporary context. It seeks to reflect on the epistemological limits that artistic practice has had to overcome to be considered as a form of knowledge that can be put into dialogue with other fields of knowledge. The approach of the sociologist Boaventura de Sousa Santos will be used, focusing attention on what he calls the non-existence production of the monoculture of knowledge. Finally, some issues related to the tree structure of education and the obstacles that it interposes in the process of construction of transdisciplinary knowledge will be outlined.


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How to Cite

Stivala, A. N. (2020). How to Remove a Moisture Stain: Reflections Around the Transdisciplinarity. Arte E Investigación, (18), e053.