Feminist Art Performance. Questioning the Hegemonic Notion of Social Judgment


  • Natalia Carod Instituto de Historia del Arte Argentino y Americano. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata




Performance discipline, social zeitgeist, feminism, politics, controversies


This research article looks to explore the performance practices used to bring gender violence to the forefront of social consciousness by Latin American female artists and activists. These performances have been inspired by the modern feminist and their struggle to reverse how these issues have been pushed aside and out of the mainstream consciousness. These issues are controversial and the intention to keep them out of the social zeitgeist stems from fear of how they could encourage observers to question the current definition of politics and public perceptions of aesthetics; questioning the hegemonic notion of social judgment associated with the patriarchal imperative. For that purpose, three demonstrative art performances will be analysed; including those in both Chile and Argentina. The most notable of which was the «Ni Una Menos» —Not one less— demonstration in Argentina in 2015.


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How to Cite

Carod, N. (2020). Feminist Art Performance. Questioning the Hegemonic Notion of Social Judgment. Arte E Investigación, (17), e050. https://doi.org/10.24215/24691488e050