Museum of Memory of Rosario. Recent Memory Through Art and Senses
Museums, memories, art, representationAbstract
This work inquires into the relationship between the museum’s exhibition mission and memory, through the mediation of artistic productions depicting the violence of StateTerrorism in the last Military Dictatorship (1976-1983). The case addressed is the narrative of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Memory of Rosario. Some of the contemporary works of art that articulate the exhibition are analyzed as performances commemorating and communicating social memory about the recent past. The recovery and construction of this space as a museum materializes the political violence of a past that does not happen (Rousso, 2018) and shows the demand not to forget as a social commitment. It is then understood to be memory museums as fundamental tools of memory pedagogy (Crenzel, 2016, p. 65).Downloads
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