The archive as metaphor. From archival space to archival time


  • Wolfgang Ernst
  • Constanza Qualina Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Media archaeology, memory, archive


The archive has become a universal metaphor for allconceivable forms of storage and memory. Seen from themedia-archaeological perspective of the German theoristWolfgang Ernst, however, the archive is not dedicatedto memory but to the purely technical practice of datastorage: any story we add to the archive comes fromoutside. The archive has no narrative memory, only acalculating one. In a digital culture, Ernst says, the archivein fact changes from an archival space into an archivaltime, in which the key is the dynamics of the permanenttransmission of data. The archive then become literally ametaphor, with all the possibilities this entails.    


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How to Cite

Ernst, W., & Qualina, C. (2019). The archive as metaphor. From archival space to archival time. Nimio, (5). Retrieved from


