Artivism: A Life Sense

A Memory of Rafael Santos from His Personal Archive


  • Julia Veiga Higa Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina
  • Martina Méndez Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Victoria Mutinelli Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Rafael Santos, Archive, Art, Environment


This work is thought to deal deeply into the personal archive of Rafael Santos (1961- 2021), an Argentinian artist who dedicated his career to environmental issues. This analysis considers, as a case of study, the exhibition Substance Abuse, held at the Library of the National University of La Plata in 2017. The approach of his artistic life accounts for the tensions which arose when trying to define the archive. In this regard, new questions open their way to the relationship between the latter and his artistic work. Therefore, it is possible to comprehend and enrich the concept of the term, as well as to account for the consistency of Rafael Santos’ artistic practice and the sensitive validity of his gaze.


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How to Cite

Higa, J. V. ., Méndez, M. ., & Mutinelli, V. . (2024). Artivism: A Life Sense: A Memory of Rafael Santos from His Personal Archive. Nimio, (10), e053.



Students' productions