The Creation of a Collection

Printed Art Publications at Centro De Arte Unlp


  • Corina Arrieta Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Collection, publishing, printed art


As a worker in the bookshop at Centro de Arte, I was in charge of the creation of its printed art publications collection. This text will list the collection motivations and its future perspective. In turn, some concepts about the books description, the contemporary situation of publishing and its links with art will be developed.


Brito Cadôr, A. (2012). Coleção especial: livros de artista nabiblioteca [Colección especial: libros de artista en la biblioteca]. Pós, 2(3) 24-32. Recuperado de

Carrión, U. (1975) El arte nuevo de hacer libros. Plural (suplemento literario del diario Excélsior), 4(41), 33-38.

Klima, S. (1998). Artists books: A critical survey of the literature [Libros de artista: Un estudio crítico de la literatura]. Nueva York, Estados Unidos: Granary books.

Lippard, L. (1985). Conspicuous consumption: New artists’ books [Consumo conspicuo: Nuevos libros de artista]. En J. Lyons (Ed.), Artists’ Books. A Critical

Anthology and Sourcebook [Libros de artista. Una antología crítica y libro de fuentes] (pp. 49-57). Nueva York, Estados Unidos: Visual Studies Workshop Press.

Maderuelo, J. (2018). Arte impreso. Heras, España: Ediciones La Bahía.

Marqués Pereira Araujo, D. (2014). Coleção Livro de artista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais [Colección de Libros de artista de la Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais]. Ponencia presentada en el Seminário Nacional de Bibliotecas Universitárias. Belo Horizonte, Brasil.

Phillpot, C. (1982a). An ABC of Artists’ Books Collections. Art Documentation: Bullet in of the Art Libraries Society of North America, 1(6), 169.

Phillpot, C. (1982b). Recent Art and the Book Form [Arte reciente y el formato del libro]. En F. Olin y W. Dane (Eds.), Artists’ Books: From the Traditional to the Avant-Garde [Libros de artista: de la tradición a la vanguardia]. Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America, 1(6), 172-174. Recuperado de



How to Cite

Arrieta, C. (2020). The Creation of a Collection: Printed Art Publications at Centro De Arte Unlp. Nimio, (7), e030.


