Around 1925

The Body in the Museum


  • Sven Spieker
  • Constanza Qualina Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Archive, new museum, avant-garde


The relationship between the Russian constructivism and the archive model prevailing at the beginning of the 20th century is the core idea that weaves this chapter by Sven Spieker in his book The Big Archive. Art from Bureaucracy (2008). Through the analysis of El Lissitzky’s room designs for the so-called museum of living things and the close relationship they have with montage, from the perspective of Sergei Eisenstein, Spieker interprets the invention of a new archive notion based on experience, movement and tactile dimension.


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How to Cite

Spieker, S., & Qualina, C. (2020). Around 1925: The Body in the Museum. Nimio, (7), e029.


