Picture of Time. The Work of Plossu and Iasparra


  • Vanesa Magnetto Departamento de Artes Dramáticas y Área de Artes Multimediales. Universidad Nacional de las Artes / CONICET




Photography, time, space, Fresson process


This paper develops around the representationand construction of time in the photographicimage. We propose two axes of analysis(technical and spatial) to visit the collectionof pictures, composed by El Jardín de Bernard,by Bernard Plossu, and Paisajes, by IgnacioIasparra. The problem proposed by this papershould be seen as the potential of Time inthese pictures for resisting the hegemonicphotographic language, governed by apresent, instantaneous image, in closedialogue with contemporary global time andthe capitalist system.


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How to Cite

Magnetto, V. (2019). Picture of Time. The Work of Plossu and Iasparra. Metal, (4), e003. https://doi.org/10.24215/24516643e003



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