Methodological Reading of Theoretical Models

A Look on The Art Theories


  • Lucía Wood Instituto de Investigación y Producción y Enseñanza del Arte Argentino y Latinoamericano (IPEAL). Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Methodology, Art theories, Aesthetics


In this work I will resume some questions from my doctoral thesis -about research in the field of art, from its methodological dimension-, as in the interaction with the inter-department I+D research project of which I am part -The performative turn in the visual arts. About bodies, spaces and objects put into action-. I will focus on analyzing some theoretical developments of Aesthetics and Art Theories, in order to be able to read traces of orientations and methodological tools. Where ways of questioning and problematizing the field are introduced, suggested positions for the artist and/or researcher and/or performer; as well as strategies for an empirical approach.


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Groys, B. (2015). Volverse público. Transformaciones del arte en el ágora contemporáneo. Caja Negra.

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Guasch, A.M. (2003). Los Estudios Visuales. Un estado de la cuestión. Estudios Visuales (1), 9-16.

Mignolo, W. (2010). Aiesthesis decolonial. Calle 14 (4), 10-25.

Moxey, K. (2016). Los estudios visuales y el giro icónico. Estudios visuales (6), 8-23.

Richard, N. (1989). La estratificación de los márgenes. Zegers.



How to Cite

Wood, L. . (2023). Methodological Reading of Theoretical Models: A Look on The Art Theories. Metal, (9), e039.



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