Readings on Technology and Technological Objects


  • Javier De Ponti Tecnología de Diseño en Comunicación Visual 3. Facultad de Bellas Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Technology, readings, design, score, object


This work deals with different positions of technology going from the technological determinism to the constructivism, paying attention to all perspectives which focus on progress, innovation or use. It enquires about the relation between technology and design in order to address the analysis of the technological object. It also deals with the devices that constitute the technology and suggests and integrating analysis if the multiple sides that make an object meaningful to reflect on how to study it. Thus, different reading methods are distinguished for industrial, communication and audiovisual objects


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How to Cite

De Ponti, J. (2019). Readings on Technology and Technological Objects. Bold, (6), e001.




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