Didactics and Challenges in Visual Communication


  • María Branda Laboratorio de investigación en Comunicación visual Facultad de Bellas Artes Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Design, communication, pedagogy, didactics


Didactics is the way to translate a pedagogical outlook for the curricular application in the classroom. Its orientation allows a dialogue between the knowledge, the teacher and the student. Rethinking these practices to adapt them to the social, scientific and technological changes of each moment is a permanent and necessary task. The experience in learning detects the central aspects to rethink the appropriate routes. Building a critical analysis and an assessment of what has been done allows us to implement new proposals to respond to the challenge that teaching design requires today.


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How to Cite

Branda, M. (2018). Didactics and Challenges in Visual Communication. Bold, (5), 43–52. Retrieved from https://papelcosido.fba.unlp.edu.ar/ojs/index.php/bold/article/view/691


