The Question mal posée. Jorge Romero Brest and the Art History of Uruguay


  • Cecilia Tello D’Elia Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación / Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación. Universidad de la República



Jorge Romero Brest, Art history, Uruguay


Through a case study, we will search concepts from different authors to allowa reposition of the researcher in order to formulate new questions for thecorpus of documents found. The purpose is to generate a polyphonic andbroad dialogue and to avoid getting to questions without an answer. Besides,the interpellation instances between historian and sources will be enhanced.The research referred to Jorge Romero Brest in the Uruguayan field will beused as a platform for questions and reflections generating an opening to beable to visualize the internal process that the researcher goes through whenapproaching the object of study.


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How to Cite

Tello D’Elia, C. (2019). The Question mal posée. Jorge Romero Brest and the Art History of Uruguay. Armiliar, (3), e011.


