Situated Design Exhibition

Participatory Project in Indigenous Territory


  • Catalina Agudin Instituto Design Research, Hochschule der Künste Bern (HKB BFH), e Instituto Antropología Social de Universität Bern



Design, Exposition, Indigenous territory, Participatory project


The exhibition Situated Design: Experiences in Indigenous Territory Lhaka Honhat took place between June 5 and 9 2023, in Sala Baliero, at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism, University of Buenos Aires (FADU UBA). The exposed materials will be described, highlighting the work done in Buenos Aires and in the Indigenous Territory in Salta Province. Moreover, we will mention the current situation of the communities and reflect upon the sense of such exercises in the academical frame, within design studies.


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How to Cite

Agudin, C. . (2024). Situated Design Exhibition: Participatory Project in Indigenous Territory. Proyectual-D, (1), e009.


