Management of Innovation

Restoration, Regeneration and Sustainable Development


  • Silvia Predassi Cátedra B de Diseño Industrial. Cátedra de Dibujo de Diseño Industrial. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Adrian Sosa Cátedra B de Diseño Industrial. Cátedra de Seminario de Ergonomía. Facultad de Artes. Universidad Nacional de La Plata



Industry, innovation, forecast, industrial, future, industrial design


How do we face the challenges of the future? Sustainability answers this question by proposing environmental, social and economic developments that do not compromise the capacities of current and future generations. For its part, Prospective Design provides an analysis framework for innovation management, which anticipates the future needs of a likely user in a context that we do not know yet. We are (let us be) participants and makers of a model aimed to implement strategic solutions related to creativity, design, technological advances and new business models to achieve products and services that are expressed beyond innovation and sustainability.


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How to Cite

Predassi, S., & Sosa, A. (2020). Management of Innovation: Restoration, Regeneration and Sustainable Development. Tableros, (11), e012.



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